The installation was developed at the Digital Design Department, University Kassel, School of Architecture, during the summer of 2009.
G. Professor Jonas Coersmeier
Research assistant: Kathrin Wiertelarz
Participating students:
Giampiero Riggio, Roberta Ragonese, Ljuba Tascheva, Jan Weissenfeldt, Pat Taylor, Katja Pape, Rania Abdurahman, Christina Finke, Shahram Abbasian, Michael Quickert

The installation was produced at the facilities of digital design department. it was made from a foam core (cnc milled) and a smooth glass fiber reinforced plastic. Making it a lightweight but super strong object.

It was installed in an office interior at the diigtal design departent. Located between two columns it was supporting its own weight due to structural calculations during form finding process.

Chairperson Gast Professor Jonas Coersmeier, Research assistant: Katrin Wiertelarz
Students: Giampiero Riggio, Roberta Ragonese, Ljuba Tascheva, Pat Taylor, Katja Pape, Rania Abdurahman, Christina Finke, Shahram Abbasian, Michael Quickert, Jan Weissenfeldt